How to grow your YouTube channel

How to get your first 1000 subscribers, and how to start making money online with your channel 

before we start. If you go to youube, and google and search how to grow your  youtube channel. 

You will find a lot of people talking about growing Youtube channel. The main problem is 90 %

those people don't even have a channel, they just read the articles and watch youtube videos.

In this article, we will not talk in general. We will show you exactly practical strategies that you can

apply to make a youtube channel and in less than one month, you can go to your youtube channel 

and get a couple of thousands of subscribers.

Go directly to the main strategies to grow your youtube channel.

        1: YouTube SEO

Strategy # 1 is Youtube SEO . We will search for a keyword. We will search for something on youtube,

like as an example, Lead generation  You will see that lot of videos are on top of youtube, anyone

searching for this keyword will see lot of videos on top.

Lead Generation

Let test other keyword as an example, Increase website traffic organically or whatever again you 

will see lot videos are on top of youtube. 

Increase website traffic organically

Let's test somehow a hard keyword like Canva tips and tricks. You will see also that lot of videos is on

the first page of youtube.

Canva tips and tricks

Let's test another type of long keywords How to build bitcoin mining rig. Let's see again, lot of 
video is on top of youtube first page.

How to build bitcoin mining rig

How to rank your videos on top of youtube so people can see your videos and you can get free organic 

views on the long term. 

Please focus. Well, this is very important.

You can get every day a lot of user without doing anything. Just people are searching on youtube,

How to make a youtube channel, and How to grow your youtube channel and many more.

They are watch youtube videos only and not take any action.

The main question now, how to rank the videos on top of youtube

There are the few statargies to get lot of subscribers.

  • Meta Description

Any video has a title, mainly a description, and tags. In the tags section writing almost no one on all

these keywords. So anyone on youtube searching for these keywords will get this video on top of the

search results. Just think about it how this is really important. Let's answer this question. How to 

rank your videos on top of youtube.

Youtube title , Description , Tags

  • Suggested keywords

Youtube Suggested keywords Landing Page design

What we do first is going to youtube search bar and writing an example. Landing Page design asks, 

then we will see a list of keywords that people are searching for. Any one can get some keywords.

We get what people are searching. We can set the title Unscriptural Tags based on what people

are searching. So in this way, you optimize your video on the correct keyword as an example, Landing 

Page design as a search by people.

  • YouTube keyword Tool

They search for this keyword Affiliate marketing.  We want to rank on this keyword, but before 

we rank on this keyword, we will go to a tool called YouTube keyword Tool.

keyword Affiliate marketing, search Result, Difficulty

In this tool we have the youtube key word tool. We will open it and write a keyword Affiliate

marketing. We will copy the skill as an example that we will rank on and go to this tool and paste 

it here in the keyword or phrase, text box here and click on Search. Now, what's nice about this tool? It

will give you the  search volume of this keyword and the difficulty. You can see that this keyword has

around  Two million searches per month. So it's a great opportunity to get free organic views from 

youtube. Difficulty is medium, it will take some time to rank on this keyword. This is very 

important. We have high search volume and medium difficulty.

keyword monthly volume and difficulty

It's a great keyword to rank on. Also, what's nice about this tool, it will give you related keyword data. 

It will give you a lot of other keywords related to this topic, to this queue that you search about, that 

you can use like tags in your videos and will give you for each keyword the monthly volume and the


You can easily pick up the keywords that you can rank on easily on youtube. Try searching for

keywords that you can rank on youtube. We got this keyword.

This is very Important Tip your keywords mentioned in the title, description, and the first tag. All the

related keywords form affiliate marketing. So simply you need to find the correct keyword to rank on.

Also, what we do before we go and publish the titles and the videos.

Find the correct keyword to rank YouTube

If you are select correct keyword you see the above image constant number of views throughout the 



We go to a tool called Morningfa. This is an awesome tool and gives you in-depth analytics for 

your channel anywhere you can start with it for free.

Depth analytics for your channel

If you go and login to keyword research and let's apply what we said. We will enter Amazon. You see 

us and click on choose results not which will show you that there's a good keyword for ranking.

Why? Because, as we said before, that has a high search volume and low competition. What's also 

nice about this tool, it will give you some common hashtags so you can use inside your description 

and your videos so you can see even educate.

You can copy these tags and add in your description also.

Now, let's see as we go to step three that will give you a list of tags, the best tags to rank for this

keyword. So you can just simply copy and paste and tags list.

It will also help you to generate the best tags for your video to rank on youtube. Anyway, this is simply

the operation that we do to rank the videos, a check for what people are searching for. No one check

can actually produce for competition and search volume and use morningfe to do some in-depth 

analytics and get the tags for your video. Anyway, this is the simple procedure to rank any video on 


        2: Promote your YouTube Channel.

There are couple of different method to promote your YouTube Channel,

    a) Content syndication  

  • Reddit
engaging with people

The has around 1.7 billion. You can engaging with people and create a sub-reddit if you go

and  click on this sub-reddit work from home today this sub-reddit is for you create one reddit and 

start pasting your content and publishing your content also on reddit and if anyone searches for your 

content you may reach more and more people.

  • Quora

Q&A website where people ask questions and you can answer them

Think about it website # 4 is Quora if you don't know quora it's simply a Q&A website where people 

ask questions and you can answer them.

Quora have small group these group is called a “Quora Space” you can also create a space on Quora 

and start posting your articles on the space this is very important.

As beginner you can create a Quora space and post your articles and content in it.

If you interested learn more about how to use quora to get free website traffic, read this article. 

It's super simple and you will get traffic for free from these websites so this is number one strategy .

b) Social Media

ocial media platforms to connect with your audience to build  your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic

Second strategy which is social media. Social media platforms to connect with your audience to build

your brand, increase sales, and drive website traffic. This involves publishing great content on your

social media profiles, listening to and engaging your followers, analyzing your results, and running 

social media advertisements.

Top Social media platforms are:

  • Tumbler
  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest

This is the second strategy which spread which is spreading your content all over your social profiles if

you don't have social  profiles till today what are you waiting for go and start creating and growing your

social profile and your social presence.

 If you are interested to learn how to build free web traffic network without any money, read this article